Tuesday, May 02, 2006

PNG goodies

My friend, David came from PNG last weekend and brought me a swag of goodies. They may not seem like much but after many years of absence from PNG this stuff was like manna from heaven, vegemite to a starving Aussie, poutine to a Canuck, or kimchi to a homesick Korean.

What we have here is beef cracker biscuits, plain ship's biscuits ("Nambawan") and wonderful Highlands coffee. There's also a can of "Ox and Palm" Corned Beef. Hideous bloody stuff made from beef trimmings and heart meat... I've been to the factory, I know...

Here's another little PNG goody that David gave me... betel nut. It's a mild stimulant, chewed throughout South Asia and the Pacific, usually with lime powder to enhance its effect. I hadn't tried it for years so it only took a little to get me buzzing....


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